When it comes to hearing aids, people have questions! You may be curious about the entire process, or you may already be on the path to better hearing. Learning about what happens at a hearing aid fitting is a part of becoming familiar with hearing aids and how they might benefit you.

When does a hearing aid fitting take place?

The fitting procedure takes place a couple of weeks after you’ve had your hearing tests. At your first appointment, your audiologist performs several hearing tests to determine your degree of hearing loss. You discuss all options and if you decide you want hearing aids, you choose a style at that appointment. Your audiologist orders the devices and sets up another appointment for a fitting.

What happens at the fitting appointment?

Your audiologist programs your hearing aids and begins the process of customizing the devices to your hearing loss. This involves what is sometimes called a real ear measurement. A thin tube is inserted into the ear canal to measure your eardrum’s response to sound volume. The test is performed first without your new hearing aids, and then with your hearing aids. Your audiologist adjusts settings to allow you to comfortably hear loud and soft sounds (and everything in-between).

After that, your audiologist checks the fit of the hearing aids. Insertion and removal should be easy with no rubbing or pressure. You will learn about your hearing aids, how to adjust volume, how to clean them and how to change the batteries. Ask questions so you feel comfortable about wearing your hearing aids.

Can you wear the hearing aids that day?

You will wear your hearing aids during the appointment and probably for a few hours afterward. Your audiologist will discuss a schedule with you that involves gradually increasing the time you wear your devices. In just a few days you will be wearing your hearing aids all day.

If you’ve never had hearing aids before, your audiologist will also discuss how best to become accustomed to new sounds. You usually begin wearing your devices for a few hours in a quiet setting, such as your home. Then as you acclimate to new sounds, you can build up to wearing your hearing aids in noisier environments such as a restaurant or a party.

Will I need another appointment after my fitting?

It’s likely your audiologist will want to see you a few weeks after the initial fitting to check comfort and fit, as well as sound levels. If you experience any discomfort after your fitting appointment, don’t wait for the next appointment. Your audiologist is available to make adjustments or to discuss any concerns you may have.

For such tiny devices, hearing aids have a big impact on our lives. Studies show that if there is any discomfort in the first weeks of wearing hearing aids, people tend to avoid wearing their devices. That’s why it’s so important to make sure you are comfortable during and after your hearing aid fitting appointment.